Maple Bay Painters
A community of Cowichan Valley visual artists
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Carolyn McDonald grew up in a small town in the countryside of Jamaica. From a very early age, she loved art and was inspired by her teachers and the rich creative traditions on the island.

She obtained her BA in Fine Art and teaching certificate in Ontario, Canada. On returning to Jamaica to teach and paint, she had several exhibitions and was head of the art department of St Andrews High School.

Carolyn then moved back to Canada, making her home on Vancouver Island where she continued to teach and paint.

She has given workshops on teaching art, and with Art Starts, she worked as an artist in the schools. Her career included teaching art from kindergarten to high school.

Carolyn has exhibited in Canada, Jamaica, and Puerto Rico. She often joins exhibitions in the Cowichan Valley, and she belongs to both the Visions art group and the Maple Bay Painters.

Carolyn now lives at Cherry Point with her husband, has retired from teaching, and is thrilled to be painting as much as possible as well as doing art with her grandchildren.

See more of Carolyn’s work on her website at and follow her work on Instagram @carolynmcdonaldart Or contact Carolyn directly by phone 250-743-5974 (mobile 250-815-5901) or by email at