Maple Bay Painters
A community of Cowichan Valley visual artists

The Talking Circle (Sold)

24" x 24" acrylic on canvas

This painting was inspired by a tumult of seven ravens having a raucous ‘discussion’ in my yard. I’d never seen so many together, and so close; although, I reduced them to three for my painting’s purpose. They hopped from one branch to another but generally stayed in a tight group, almost a circle. They were awesome! Their vocalizations and the considerable time they stayed made me think of a ‘talking circle’, each venting their different opinions. I have no expertise but I understand ‘talking circles’ originate from indigenous culture. Generally, they are used for sharing differing perspectives among the participants; in the circle, people can work through conflict or differences in a safe, constructive way. Talking circles are helpful wherever there’s interest in understanding one another and solving problems. Everyone comes to the circle as an equal. Quite simply, talking circles aim to better understand what it’s like to ‘walk in someone else’s shoes’, which seems to me a good idea during these polarized times.